Saturday, July 19, 2014

Stanley Druckenmiller on the economy and IBM

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yesterday I exited my position in MRO call options

The crude oil market hysteria has died down somewhat, as it becomes more clear that the main Iraq oil production for export is further south than the Islamic State is likely to reach in the near future. Oil supplies are unlikely to be disrupted in the next little while. With only 4 days left until expiration of the July call, I thought it best to exit the position which was 'in the money.'

The Iraq Oil Report is a website with useful information about the situation.

I also like to read Army Times Early Bird Brief

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Shift in Supply Curve Bearish for November Soybeans

Falling corn prices mean falling returns for farmers.  Some of them decide to plant soybeans instead.  Result, the supply curve for soybeans shifts to the right.  Prices for soybeans also fall.

Graph of Supply and Demand for Soybeans

Markets react to Monday's USDA crop report

Trading futures is like playing with dynamite.  You better know what you are doing.